Where do these errors come from?

I received an email today from a social worker containing lots of errors, allegedly from my GP. Here is a part of the email (”) and my response.

‘Dear Ellen,


Dr AA also advised that over the last decade or so a number of possible options have been offered to you including psychiatric support from the Richmond Wellbeing Service,’

Yes, but I was never referred to the latter.

Taken up and after nhs sessions ran out, switched to physio mrs S whom you can contact to confirm.  Cc above. 

‘Occupational Therapy’
Contacted but they felt there was nothing they could offer me. I had to buy an electric scooter myself and they could not advise me which would suit me best.  So I engaged a private OT and tried a few. They have no suspension so my poor spine complained. Still looking. 

‘and support from the Community Matrons (CP)’.
She saw me once and was hostile.  Must have perceived an illness like ME as hysteria. Asked me not to contact her again.  So I didn’t. 

‘Dr AA confirmed that none of these options were taken up’
Factual error. The opposite is true.

‘and as such, It is not clear what help is available to you within the local authority and the Primary Care Trust based on the currently available resources.’

.. to confirm that I have been honest, I am ccing this email to mrs S who has known me and mum for many years. She can confirm that I am pro-active in seeking help from professionals like her. Please contact her. I let her see Y’s last email that really upset me.  She was most supportive. 

We have to get to the bottom of this inaccurate view of me as a total idiot and liar. It helps no one, except Y.


You get the picture. The GMC requires doctors to keep accurate records and to correct errors if flagged up. Ergo, I’ve emailed the GP to alert him to the number of mistakes. Errors can only undermine treatment.

How can society function if we are all subjected to and judged on the basis of inaccurate information, often negative, about ourselves and others? It’s dangerous. Am I the only soul who thinks that? And whatever happened to checking? What is the pandemic doing to us?

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